Friday 11 January 2008

Tapas in Toledo

The latest message I have to pass on to you all, dear readers, is that our girls have booked into a posh hotel in Toledo and are just off for tapas in the old town. A much-needed pleasant end to a rather stressful day which included a blizzard at 4800 feet as previously mentioned, reaching the landmark one thousand miles driven, some blown bulbs (maybe a person with a tendency to make electrical things go pop when tense is not the best suited to this kind of adventure), a windscreen wiper repair in driving mountain rain, rush hour driving through Madrid (described in the telegraph-style text message as simply "a nightmare") and a mysterious smell of burning for which no source can be found. What was that I wrote this morning about things seeming more relaxed?!

Biarritz to Toledo is over 350 miles, so now there are less than 400 miles to cover in order to reach the meeting point for the ferry to Morocco on Sunday. Going well! Feel free to comment with messages of envy and support, they all get passed on.

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