Sunday 13 January 2008

Rocking the Rock!

After a fairly wild night of lowering the tone in a posh Italian restaurant with 12 other people crazy enough to take on this challenge (including portuguese Team Zissou, who are the only team to have started from the Paris-Dakar starting line this year), a leisurely start was made on fixing Peg this morning. That air jack (that so many people said they wouldn't need) was put to good use, and as mum and Jane's vehicle was the only one in need of repair a large cast of friendly, lovely people assembled to help out. Ken and Kenny AKA Birmingham Irish took the car to pieces and discovered that the housing for the starter motor was in a sorry state, with a bolt entirely sheared off, but with the help of Dynamo Dysart, blocks of old wood, plastic metal and a dash of genius they got it fixed in time for lunch. The witches are very grateful indeed.

Now it is time to relax in the Gibraltar sunshine with the other teams who have got this far, before crossing into Morocco tomorrow. At last report Witches Abroad, Birmingham Irish, Bob Mali and Dynamo Dysart were having an hilarious trial run of travelling in convoy with radio contact, heading out for some great olives and seafood overlooking the Rock.

It turns out that the flip-down dining table in the back of the car and the rather classy rations packed inside do not make our mad women any madder than the other teams out there - Birmingham Irish have packed china cups and saucers from which to take their morning Earl Grey, and Team Running Amok have packed dinner jackets!


JoandRosie said...

thanks for the brilliant updates Steph! Kate rang last night and sounds great! will be checking in every day now.

Steph Ashley said...

Thanks Jo, I'm doing my best to tell the story in as much detail as I can get out of them. Only hoping we will be able to stay in touch once they are through Morocco, they will probably lose normal mobile phone coverage and they have rented a satellite phone but it is an unknown quantity..