Sunday, 20 January 2008

Welcome on Board Dakhla Airlines, Wine Will be Served Shortly

Mum and Jane are playing at being air hostesses with their friends. No particular reason, just being bonkers as usual. They have arrived at the Regency Hotel in Dakhla so they are furnished with as much Western luxury as one can find in the Sahara.

En route today they practiced driving off road and navigated their way through sixty miles of non-stop sandstorm, running down their fuel reserves with some help from a couple of the other teams who asked their convoy/herd for help as they had completely run out and hadn't brought jerry cans. When they finally reached Dakhla they were able to empty a whole bucket of sand out of the air filter - a small proportion of the amount that had brought visibility down to ten feet and made strange noises pelting the cars.

There is a discussion planned for this evening - some of the teams in their convoy have promised family members at home that they wouldn't cross Mauritania, so this may be the point at which they part ways. However, given the improved state of affairs and reduced risk, they may come along the whole way. Whatever happens Mum and Jane will be going on to Timbuktu, and I will edit this post as soon as I hear about a final decision. edit 22:17 - They are definitely all going ahead! Exciting stuff, very happy news. Exciting enough to merit quite an alarming excess quantity of exclamation marks in the text message, apparently. And exciting unless you happen to be JJ's pregnant wife, just possibly. Very understanding wives these boys have.


Unknown said...

Keep on trucking "Witches" "Dilly" is rooted to her lappy.
Rosemarket gossip says you have allready arrived. Dont think the world wide web has found Rosemarket yet except for Steph !! (and by the way good writing Steph) Please more piccy's

Visualy Starved Ronnie & Dilly

(SAT Phone,Digital technology,sms,mms ???)

Steph Ashley said...


They haven't arrived yet, far from it - they are only just out of Morocco and have up to five days in the desert.

So far it has been relatively easy to keep in touch. I helped mum set up roaming on her mobile before they left and that has served her fine up to and including Dakhla. Now they really are in no-mans-land the plan was to use a rented satellite phone, but apparently it's not working. That could just be down to atmospheric conditions - anyone who has Sky TV knows how well satellite communications work in a storm!