Friday, 25 January 2008

Predictably Unpredictable

After everything that was said last night about sticking to the black-top routes, I have just had a very quick chat via satellite phone with a very chaotic and giddy sounding mum, off piste and accidentally in the middle of the Budapest-Bamako rally. Mum and Jane have been interviewed for Dutch television and are being waved through by police because everyone thinks they are a team in the race!

Ken and Kenny's turbo has blown and is drinking oil, JJ and Martin's brakes are failing (after they already had to take two extra passengers when Ross and Kristen had to ditch their car), and I have no idea how Martin and Sarah are coping with a Ford Fiesta through the sand, but nobody seems especially worried to me. Is this part of the fun?

NB - if you look carefully you will find this post contains links to some of the Witches' friends' sites. Great to look at(particularly Dynamo Dysart's slick site, there are some photos in the blog of some of the places mum and Jane have travelled through, albeit with two grinning Irish lads blocking the view a bit but you can at least get the idea), but not as much news on them as this one - I'm guessing they don't have someone back home by a computer waiting for phone calls!

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